Previous editions of the World Bronchiectasis Conference series (Milan 2017, Virtual Edition 2020, Prague 2022) have seen attendances of more than 400 participants from all over the World, with each edition enjoying excellent participant engagement through the presentation of abstracts (90 per edition in average). The 1st and 2nd European Bronchiectasis Workshops – Vienna July 2019, Virtually July 2021, saw over 200 specialists meet to face and discuss the most relevant arguments on the subject. The community continued to grow in 2023 with the participation of more than 350 specialists at the 3rd European Bronchiectasis Workshop in Milan and more than 500 specialists at the 6th World Bronchiectasis Conference in New York.

Indeed, the last years have been amazing for the bronchiectasis international community, with an increasing understanding of the physiopathology mechanisms behind the disease, the clarification of the epidemiology through EMBARC and National Registries, the design and realisation of clinical studies which provide hope for new possible therapies in the near future.

Our main goal is to update and educate the scientific community and for the next edition that will be held in Paris on 20 – 22 February 2025, we hope to bring great value to strongly advocate for the recognition of the disease in France and in other European countries.

We look forward to meeting you in Paris in 2025!