February 23rd – 25th, 2023 at Humanitas University in Pieve Emanuele in the Milan PDF
February 23rd – 25th, 2023 at Humanitas University in Pieve Emanuele in the Milan PDF
Dear Colleagues & Friends, It’s a great pleasure – as Presidents and Chairmen – to welcome you to the 10th Edition of the International Workshop on Lung Health which takes place from January 19th to January 21st, 2023 in Nice (Saint Laurent du Var). In 2023 we celebrate the 10 Edition of our respiratory [...]
13.-16. 10. 2022. Dubrovnik / Hotel Kompas
5th World Bronchiectasis & NTM Conference Dear colleagues and Friends, It is our great pleasure to invite you to take part in the 5th World Bronchiectasis & NTM Conference that will be held in Prague from June 30th to July 2nd, 2022. During this biennial appointment for the World [...]
COVID-19 – SPECIJALIST PULMOLOG ODGOVARA NA VAŠA PITANJA U času epidemije s infekcijom virusom COVID-19 Hrvatsko pulmološko društvo (HPD) i Hrvatsko torakalno društvo (HTD) pripremilo je odgovore na pitanja što savjetovati bolesnicima s kroničnim bolestima pluća. Vjerujemo da će ovaj dokument rasteretiti zaposlene u zdravstvu, kako bi lakše odgovarali [...]
OBILJEŽAVANJE SVJETSKOG DANA TUBERKULOZE HRVATSKO PULMOLOŠKO DRUŠTVO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA poziva Vas na OBILJEŽAVANJE SVJETSKOG DANA TUBERKULOZE s predavanjima: H. Kazalicki Blary: MDR tuberkuloza iz perspektive pacijenta G. Petrović: Prioriteti praćenja tuberkuloze u uvjetima niske incidencije Lj. Žmak: Izazovi u dijagnostici tuberkuloze uz osvrt na prvi slučaj XDR tuberkuloze [...]
4th World Bronchiectasis & NTM Conference Dear Colleagues and Friends, It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate, and more importantly to contribute to the 4th World Bronchiectasis & NTM Conference. Following a successful first editions in Hannover in July 2016, in Milan in July 2017 and [...]
1st Adult Cystic Fibrosis International Workshop Esteemed Croatian Respiratory Society, I am pleased to inform you that the “1st Adult Cystic Fibrosis International Workshop” will take place at the University of Milan (Italy) from September 5 to September 6, 2019. With this letter, I kindly request the valuable endorsement [...]
European NTM & Bronchiectasis Workshop Vienna July 6th – 8th, 2019